new blog

10 Jun

Hello all you blog readers who may or may not still be out there. 

I’m not sure if you noticed but I took a little break from this blog….

I wasn’t really enjoying the experience anymore and decided I needed a break. I meant to post about taking a break but it never happened. 

I have decided I want to get back into the blogging routine but I created a new blog so I can start fresh. You can find me over at:

I hope you’ll join me over there. Can’t wait to hear from you! 


30 by 30 {1 year update}

22 Feb

It has been a whole year since I posted about my 30 by 30 list. Yes my birthday has just passed and I am now 28 years old.

I have completed a few more things from my 30 by 30 list so I thought I would share them with you!

19. run the BCS 5k {completed 9.15.12}

our whole team running for DeDe

our whole team running for DeDe

we did it! love you DeDe

we did it! love you DeDe

5. get a new car {completed 1.19.13}


my new 2011 Kia Forte

my new 2011 Kia Forte

20. go skiing more than once a winter {completed 2.3.13}

skiing at Gunstock in December

skiing at Gunstock in December

skiing at McIntyre in January

skiing at McIntyre in January

That is it as of right now. Dan and I are going away this weekend on a little trip that I planned so #12, plan a surprise trip away for Dan will be completed after Tuesday.

If you want to check out my other completed tasks, you can check out my 6 month update here and see my entire list here

I did change one of the tasks on my list. I added running 700 miles in a year, which I am currently working on.

Hopefully I can check some new things off my list soon.

wonderful words

13 Feb

Since Valentine’s Day is tomorrow, I thought I would do some wonderful words about love.

every wish i always have i promise mark we have made my always rules for healthy living true love

Happy Love Day! ❤

pcrrs {resolution run 5k}

11 Feb

I posted a while ago about participating in a road race series, the Portsmouth Community Road Race Series, that has 5k runs all around Portsmouth. The first run was the Resolution 5k on January 1. It was a good way to start the year. I was a little behind on my running so I didn’t do that great. It was cold and I didn’t run the entire thing. I walked a few times at about a minute each time. I know my race times can only get better from there. 

We ran it with our friend Renee. Our friend Hillary was also supposed to run the race but she hurt her leg snowboarding the week before, so she just took pictures.


I carried her number in my pocket….which is kind of cheating but we were ok with that. And she was ok with the fact that she wouldn’t get a very good time.

We were all bundled up and ready to go on the cold but sunny morning.


I was exhausted after the run. And my leg was really hurting. But I was proud of my time and I know I will get better throughout the year. Renee and Dan both finished before I did so they were waiting for me at the finish line.


The next race in the series is towards the end of April so I have plenty of time to get better again. I’m starting a new running plan this week. I’m doing a 5k plan first to get myself back up to where I was and then I will do a 10k plan to try and get my runs longer. I would love to be able to run 4 or 5 miles as a regular run.

I definitely haven’t been running as much as I was hoping so far this year. My running goal isn’t going so well but I’m hoping this plan will get me back on track.


photo friday

8 Feb
beginning of the blizzard nemo

beginning of the blizzard nemo

the snow is getting deeperr

the snow is getting deeperr

crazy clouds in the morning

crazy clouds in the morning

beautiful sunrise on my way to work

beautiful sunrise on my way to work

dan's 30th birthday was this week!

dan’s 30th birthday was this week!

I had a snow day from school today and we are snowed in right now as Nemo is getting stronger and stronger. We have Dan’s birthday party tomorrow and I’m hoping we can still have it even if we have to push the start time back a couple of hours. We shall see how it is in the morning.

Anyone else snowed in??

Happy Friday!

photo friday

3 Feb
beautiful day.

beautiful day.

get to play with this ipad for the rest of my long term sub position.

get to play with this ipad for the rest of my long term sub position.

whirly pop!

whirly pop!

blueberry pancakes for DeDe!

blueberry pancakes for DeDe!

sunset over the marsh

sunset over the marsh

sunset over the ocean

sunset over the ocean

bowling! and awesome carpeting.

bowling! and awesome carpeting.

bowling with the fam.

bowling with the fam.

wine in a bookstore? ok.

wine in a bookstore? ok.



ice on the river

ice on the river

red berries against a bright blue sky.

red berries against a bright blue sky.

This weekend got away from me and I didn’t have a chance to post this on Friday. There are some pictures included on here from this past weekend.

Hope everyone had a great weekend!

wonderful words

30 Jan

a little magic be drawn break your happiness hold onto hope i love you i'm going to be happy imperfections stars can't shine worlds inside of us

Happy Wednesday!

new year’s eve

28 Jan

This year we had a quiet night for New Year’s Eve. We had gone out 2 nights in a row the 2 nights  before New Year’s. We hung out at my mom’s house with my step-brother and his girlfriend and a couple of friends. We had some drinks, played some games, watched some stupid NYE TV, and took some crazy pictures {which just got crazier and crazier}.


We always have a ton of fun together. It was nice to just hang out by the wood stove and not have to worry about any crazy NYE plans.


In these pictures we were trying to pose like Fergie was for her entire hosting job. Did anyone else notice that? Our poses didn’t work out quite as well…


2012 was not a great year for me and I was looking forward to it being over. I was ready to welcome a new year with some new hope and new goals to look forward too. And I wouldn’t have wanted to ring in midnight with anyone else but my amazing hubby.


Did anyone do anything super fun for New Year’s or did you also have a kind of quiet night at home?


photo friday

25 Jan

IMG_20130119_165201 IMG_20130122_162207 IMG_20130123_073614 IMG_20130122_162036

I didn’t take too many pictures this week. It just didn’t happen. I am still doing the 365project and trying to take a picture every day. I need to get better at it.

Happy Friday!! Have a great weekend!

wonderful words

23 Jan

be you don't stop look lovely making ideas happen promise simple things struggle

Happy Wednesday!